Not Giving Up

Have you ever been desperate? Tossed restlessly at night instead of sleeping? Plotted and planned but hindered at every step of the way?

I’ve been reading in the book of Luke lately and Jesus tells parables, stories, so people can grasp a truth.

In Luke 18, the desperate person is a widow. She appealed to a judge. Women in Jesus’ day needed a husband or a son to survive, or a brother would do. This widow goes to a judge over and over again to receive justice. She has no benefactor and her persistence appears to be never ending.

The judge doesn’t fear God or man, but the lady keeps showing up asking for favor in her case.

“To keep from being worn out” the judge mutters to himself, “I’m going to rule on her behalf.”

Jesus tells us our heavenly Father will avenge His chosen ones speedily, which cry out day and night. Jesus asks though, “When the Son of God returns will I find faith on the earth?”

“Please let there be faith on the earth, Lord!”

I’ve been writing for decades now. I understand perseverance. I also understand feeling desperate at times. I’ve plotted and planned and then found nothing I could do would help. Then I began to earnestly pray and I’ve seen many answers to prayer over the years: healings, financial needs met, loved ones protected from harm, relationships restored and other things too, like peace to replace anxiety.

Have you seen answers to prayer that could not have been a coincidence? I sure have. It’s worth not giving up.

God bless!