Christians Need to Fight

Sometimes I’ll tell my husband that I feel like I’m in a spiritual battle. Big sigh.

He’ll tell me, “We’re always in a battle.”

No big deal. That’s life.

Today I pondered the idea of fighting back. Not taking kick boxing classes, (are those for fighting or getting in shape)?

Anyhow, I thought of Christians all over the world being persecuted for their faith. Americans only face a little of that so far, although in the secular media I’ve noticed that the crazy guy with the ax often carries a Bible in the other hand. Right. I know a LOT of Christians and none of them are murderers.

So, to get back to the fighting bit. I think every Christian should pick up their Sword of the Spirit – the word of God, and yield it with all their might, humbly on their knees in prayer.

Can you imagine if every Christian in the world spent an extra five minutes a day repenting of sin and then praying for others, using God’s word to remind Him of His promises, and then listened quietly for another five minutes? I believe the battle in the heavenlies would rock our world like ISIS or that mean person in our lives never dreamed of.

Eph. 6:12  (KJV) states: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

God wants us involved in this life for His glory and for His love to be spread to others through us. How can we love others if we’re not in communication with the Great I Am?

We can only love and pray and serve and exist with the strength God gives us. When we try and do it on our own, we wimp out. We get tired, sick, discouraged, misdirected, maybe even feel manipulated.

Even Jesus took time with the Father every single day. If God the Son needs time with God the Father to be re-charged, how can we go it alone?

I’m just picturing more victory in this world when we all participate, because for some odd reason, God wants to include us in the heavenly realms’ battle, which impacts our sod.

Rather amazing.Praying Handson bible