Write Light for Ten Years!

Wow! I wrote a letter to an agent today. I told him I’d been blogging for seven years. Then, I saw an anniversary announcement from WordPress.com saying, “Congratulations!” Ten years! I’m blown away, like a dandelion seed. 🙂


My daughter wrote two children’s books that encourage kiddos, so I spoke to Bob Hostetler, an agent at Steve Laube Agency about sending her manuscripts to him. He said, “Yes!”

We wrote one story together, so I sent that one as well. I’ve had one thing happen after another, more so than my norm. So, if you happened to write to me in the last two months and I didn’t respond, I will do my best to go back to any comments I missed, and read your words this week. I hope you are well!

May God bless you and keep you in the palm of His outstretched hand. He loves you, and longs for you to seek Him. “Seek the Lord while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near,” (Isaiah 55:6, NKJV).