
I’ve been writing since joining the high school newspaper staff years ago. I went off to college and discovered they had some awesome poets lined up for the students to hear but it never occurred to me to major in English. In retrospect, the timing didn’t work well to pursue wordsmithing.

In Junior year, I married my college sweetheart and after graduation we started a family. Almost twenty years later my older sister told me of a Christian writers conference being held in the city we lived near and said, “You like to write, don’t you?”

I wrote for a hobby for twenty years and then I decided to pursue writing part-time as a professional writer. I began blogging after hearing about it at Montrose Chrsitian Writers Conference quite a few years ago and I’m still learning the technical aspects of it. I just found this “about” page for myself after seven years, although I’ve visited other people’s landing pages about them often enough.

I am a person with a full plate because I love life most of the time and I find lots of interesting things to try. I love God first, as my godmother used to say, and then my husband, my children and my grandchildren. I am blessed with some incredible friends and feel privileged to live in America.

God put a desire in my husband’s heart to tell the gospel story as he pastors a church and I try to help him out, but his priorities are God first, family second and then his church family. For that, I’m grateful. This isn’t our church but it’s a fair representation:

Alfa img - Showing > Protestant Church Servicehttp://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.oBo8gBV-SATWydZKJQeqUAEsDh&pid=15.1&w=156&h=117&p=0

I received a Versatile Blogger Award because I do talk about a variety of subjects in this blog. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will find it worth your while to read the ideas that land here. I like hearing other people’s opinions.

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