Power Releasers?

As I lay in bed this morning, I got thinking about God. I got thinking about God and mankind.

In recent sermons, my husband, the man who likes Science and Math and Business and People, has been preaching on the book of Genesis. In the beginning, God created. When He created man and then woman, it was the only time He said, “It was very good.”

After God created the heavens, the earth, the plants, the sun, moon and stars, the animals, He said, “It was good.”

We believe in a six day creation; one of the reasons is because God made the plants on one day and the next day He made the sun. He made mankind in God’s image, “Our image,” He said: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He spoke the world into being.

So, if God is all powerful, why does He ask us to pray? Why does He include us in the running of this world? Be fruitful and multiply. Take dominion over the animals and the planet. In other words, be good stewards over the animals and over the earth. Treat them kindly.

In the Scriptures, it says, “Ask and you shall receive,”(John 16:24). “If two or more agree as touching anything on this earth, it shall be done of them by the Father,” (Matthew 18:19).”If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land,” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Are we power releasers? Why does God want to include us in helping to determine the condition of this world?

I wrote my ten year old grandson a letter about this idea of prayer releasing God’s power in a fashion that a ten year old would understand. He is a deep thinker. He loves super heroes. He doesn’t like bullies. Well, who does want to be bullied? 🙂

God is a creative God and we are made in His image. Maybe that’s why I feel more alive when I write. I’m looking at prayer in a much deeper way this day, because of His written word.

Don’t Give Up

Someone told me that Davis Bunn said that if he didn’t get his quota of words done one day, he did not add them to his next day’s quota. He accepted the fact that he’s human and began the next day determined to meet his daily amount of words to write without a thought for yesterday’s loss. I’ll bet he doesn’t do that very often though. 🙂 I’m paraphrasing this person who quoted Davis Bunn. I have no way of checking this quote, so I hope it’s right.

I did not get my five hours of writing in today, or my three hours of housework. I went through the day with my normal routine before the conference. I felt a little grouchy over this new schedule. Then I read a novel for about two hours. Tomorrow I intend to start over. 🙂

If Davis Bunn can begin again, surely I can, too. We’re all human, after all. I did continue work on the young adult novel I’ve been working on for over seven years. I feel closer to the end of it, although if a publisher accepts it, I know the editor will want revisions. That is what I hear always happens. I’m all for it. My emotions may get in the way, but that’s okay.

I’ve decided more than once in my life to stick with a hard choice. Sometimes I talk to myself. “Don’t give up.” When I read Winston Churchill’s quote to the English people during WWII about never giving up, I get a thrill throughout my bones.

On a cork board in plain sight are the words, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5
God’s word encourages me often. I hope this blog finds you well.

Dare I Say “Changed” So Quickly?

I feel such hope after attending the Montrose Christian Writers’ Conference. I e-mailed Cecil Murphey, a prolific, award-winning writer. He suggested I ask him for a critique he did on six lines of story at the conference. I signed up for his newsletter while on his website.

I also e-mailed Larry Leech because he said he’d be glad to send me notes on proposals, since I was at Cecil Murphy’s class: “The Power of Story,” when Larry was teaching “Nonfiction Book Proposal.” I signed up for his online newsletter as well.

I’ve come home from many conferences, but soon afterwards, my follow-through slipped away. I never came home with three people asking for a synopsis or a proposal. I never came home and sat down with my husband asking him for input into the scheduling of writing hours.

Cec Murphey asked me what I could give up, so I could spend more time at the keyboard. I really pondered that after our fifteen minute appointment.

Now, here I am, blogging for the second day in a row. I cleaned for three hours yesterday and wrote for five hours. I’m on that same time frame today. It’s amazing how much gets done when the mind is set to get started and set to continue.

I feel changed! Have you ever set a goal that eluded you before, maybe many times, and then you finally reached it? What was the turning point for you?

Yay for Montrose Christian Writers’ Conference!

I recently attended the Montrose Christian Writers’ Conference in Montrose, PA near Binghamton, NY. I am not a regular attendee, but when I can make it there, I always leave encouraged, challenged, determined to persevere in the world of words and ideas.

Suzanne Kuhn, author promoter, gave us tips on how to interact with readers and how to garner positive feed back. Her brand, “Suzy Q” looked classy on a banner large enough to be seen, yet compact enough to fit into a classroom,

Larry Leech, author coach, gave his “Time Management Class” a time sheet and asked us to track our time for two weeks, if I remember correctly. This is not a new idea, but what is new is my following through on it. I made fourteen two-sided copies and began keeping track yesterday.  Today, I noticed by early morning I was an hour behind what I thought I’d be doing. I’m not stressed over it, but it’s enlightening. Now, it’s time for me to jot down “blogged” for forty-five minutes on my daily tracker. To God be the glory for the good things He does. He never gives up. He helps me not to give up, although I have times when I falter. 🙂

Tomorrow I intend to mention other authors and presenters at the conference. Any questions? I’d be glad to answer them for you if I can.