Changes Discussed


Image result for how many lightbulbs does it take to change a person?


In our Ladies Bible study yesterday, we were on Chapter 12 in How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Person? with the subtitle: Bright Ideas for Delightful Transformation. It’s written by Rhonda Rhea, published by New Hope Publishers, Birmingham, AL and copyrighted in 2011.

The title of the Chapter is “Sometimes the Key to Change is…Change”. I almost anticipated her talking about pennies and dimes throughout the whole section, but I guessed wrong.

One of her favorite things is chocolate and it made the pages once again. She mentions candy bars and the various sizes available nowadays, but she got to the point of the title. We can’t change unless we’re willing to change. We have to shift gears and think differently, she tells us at one spot. God helps us with that, if we’re willing.

Then she quotes Jeremiah 29:11: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I love that Scripture. There are days when I need lots of hope, maybe more for others than myself, when I hear of losses and diseases from friends and on the news. Not that I don’t have stuff rear its ugly head, but I’m blessed with support from my family, our church, and friends. Scripture gives incredible comfort and prayer does, too.

I know some folks that sell or own essential oils and they’ll offer me a chance to inhale whatever fragrance that might help my mood to improve. I’m not against that, but today I anticipated someone saying, “Oh, you’re stressed. Let’s pray.”

They didn’t. They kindly opened first one bottle of diluted oil mixture and then another, suggesting I give it a try. I did feel better, but I think it was more because the person listened to me and the stressing agent wasn’t nearby. The aromas probably helped some, but it wasn’t a scientifically proven result.

Now I’m home, ready to continue my day. I haven’t written much lately because of housework and working on a story for children and babysitting grandchildren and practicing guitar for Sunday’s service with a pianist friend, etc., etc.

I hope this finds you well. May God bless you!

Health and Choices


On Wednesday afternoon, I went to the regular doctor’s office for a checkup. Other than an ear infection, I didn’t get bad news. I attended a Ladies’ Bible study earlier that morning and we got talking about medical stuff.

One lady exercises regularly and eats pretty healthily. She reads a lot about the medicines folks regularly take and listens to the news. She informed us that a drug to help hearts causes cancer, so there’s a big re-call. Then we got talking about vaccines for little ones and flu shots, the pros and cons.

One of our ladies recently got diagnosed with cancer and before she got her results she’d already made up her mind that she’s not having chemo-therapy or radiation. Another lady at our church got diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and she is accepting treatment for the disease. We, as their church family, are praying for both of them to recover. It’s not an easy time for them or us, but God is faithful and so we take courage.

I hope this finds you well. May God bless you.