
I headed for the library tonight with an armful of books when I saw a UPS (United Parcel Service) slim package stuck in the door jamb. I’ve been setting a box outside for UPS because I think the little store that accepted UPS in our town went out of business.

After many days of seeing the box on our porch, my husband asked the legitimate question, “How long are you going to leave that box outside?”

I placed it inside the doorway a few days ago, tucked out of the way. The UPS guy always rings the doorbell; I’ll catch him when he drops something off, I thought.

We get the church parcels at our house if no one is there and they seem to get more deliveries from UPS.UPS Drivers Never Turn Left, and Neither Should You | Travel + LeisurePhoto from: http://www.goodsearch.com/search-web?utf8=%E2%9C%93&keywords=free+family-friendly+images+of+a+UPS+truck

I’ve been looking outside whenever I hear a heavy truck go by. We tend to receive items from the USPS (United States Postal Service) – some even delivered by UPS to them first.

The man with the big brown truck either didn’t ring the doorbell or I was in a noisy room and didn’t hear the rumble of his engine or the chimes.

I got instantly angry. Got in my car and drove slowly down to an intersection and the cutest child waved and smiled. I waved and smiled back and the anger lifted.

Earlier today I misunderstood my husband when he said something and I admit it, I snapped at him. I apologized immediately and he said, ”That’s okay. I know you’re in pain.”

I softened like a marshmallow about to be added to a gooey crisped rice cereal treat.

My husband is easier-going than I am. There are times when I’ll tell him what a great guy he is and he’ll tell me, “Yeah, until you’re mad at me again.”

What can I say to that? 🙂

I notice my emotions stay on a more even keel when I get to bed at a decent hour, eat as healthy as possible, read the Bible and pray earlier in the day, get my work done, exercise and see people.

We have a bakery in town and once I bought a bagel and a cup of tea. I told the lady I actually came in just for some human contact.  Photo from: http://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEV70_9H9ZNX8AlOdjmolQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw–?_adv_prop=image&fr=goodsearch-yhsif&va=free+family-friendly+images+of+a+bagel+and+cup+of+tea

A disadvantage of writing is that it’s a solitary pursuit.

The baker stopped mid-stride to the back room and chatted for just a minute, which suited me fine. People can be so kind.

I hope you’re doing well. I go back to Physical Therapy tomorrow for aches and pains. My heart goes out to folks with chronic pain. A friend of mine deals with that and she prays and uses humor to cope.

May God bless you.

The Serenity Prayer

My mom loved the Serenity Prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr, but she only knew the first four lines.


In the Celebrate Recovery Participants Guide published by Zondervan and copyrighted by John Baker in 1998, 2012 it is written in full.


Prayer for Serenity


God, grant me the serenity

to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.


Living one day at a time,

enjoying one moment at a time;

accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;

taking as Jesus did,

this sinful world as it is,

not as I would have it;

trusting that You will make all things right

if I surrender to Your will;

so that I may be reasonably happy in this life

and supremely happy with You forever in the next.



Reinhold Niebuhr wrote this prayer in its earliest form in 1937 according to Wikipedia.

Thinking for Life

Our ladies’ Bible study started working on the book and study guide by Joyce Meyer called Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind. I’m using the book I bought some years back published by Warner Faith, New York, NY, Boston, MA, and Nashville, TN in 2002 and copyrighted in 1995. The Study Guide was copyrighted in 2000 and published in 2002 by Faith Words, Hachette Book Group, New York, NY.

Battlefield Of The Mind 2-in-1, Book and Study Guidephoto from https://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/easy_find?Ntt=Battlefield+of+the+Mind&N=0&Ntk=keywords&action=Search&Ne=0&event=ESRCG&nav_search=1&cms=1

(This is the most current book that one of our ladies bought at a brick and mortar store. The copyright is 2017 and it’s the book and study guide combined.)


At our Bible study we enjoyed the Scriptures and the insights Joyce gave us. We also got a chance to talk and consider how the Word applies to our lives. One of the ladies is barely in her 90’s and she’s been a Christian for decades. When Joyce Meyer spoke of Satan’s schemes, she was a bit horrified. Even though I’m sure she’s read in 1Peter_5:8 , (KJV) that we need to “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”


What I hold on to is the fact that God is the Great I Am, and Satan is His defeated foe. Not that the devil doesn’t have power. He has the power on earth that mankind gives him by following the evil one’s ways and rejecting God’s ways. Yet, he cannot do anything beyond what God allows. There is our free will to consider as well. Ah, it’s a complicated business in the supernatural. The supernatural realm lasts forever; this time on earth for us is short in comparison.

The Screwtape Lettersphoto from https://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/easy_find?Ntt=Screwtape+Letters&N=0&Ntk=keywords&action=Search&Ne=0&event=ESRCG&nav_search=1&cms=1


So, I got talking about C. S. Lewis’s book, The Screwtape Letters. It’s a lead demon teaching a less experienced demon the subtle ways to fool people out of faith in God. This elderly lady had heard of Professor Lewis’s tome, but “didn’t think it amounted to much.”


Now she’d like to read it.


The Bible talks a lot more about God than the devil, yet it mentions hell much more than heaven. I don’t know if it’s because God knew people wouldn’t really believe in hell after a time and He wanted to be very specific about the torment there, or if it’s because He couldn’t put into words that we could fully comprehend about the wonder of heaven and being in His presence. Our brains do not compare to the all-knowing God’s capabilities.


I know one thing. I had to close the door behind me so I could stop listening to the television set because I kept getting drawn into a progressive story. That’s one disadvantage of Netflix. Once a series leaves the viewer on a cliffhanger, it’s a matter of moments before the next show comes on if the person so chooses to watch the next one, unless it’s the end of the entire series or the last one of the season. Some might consider that a benefit, and occasionally I enjoy not having to wait to see how things turn out, but it’s easy to lose an hour or two or three and realize important things got left undone. It’s like a drug and don’t I know that Satan loves it when I’m not writing about Jesus and the hope He gives the world.


I’m looking forward to continuing our study of The Battlefield of the Mind because it’s already got me thinking about the way I may ponder myself right out of the will of God. “Write a book on marriage,” I thought God whispered to my heart. Then I decided if there were so many out there what did I have to say? We’re all unique and King Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun in the book of Ecclesiastes when he was feeling down. There may not be anything new under the sun, but one person’s insights may reach a couple when another writer’s ideas didn’t touch their heart at all. If God did indeed tell me to write on marriage, then I need to obey. It’s imperative for me to seek Him to see if I heard correctly from Him or not.


I spoke to my husband about this show that sucked me in tonight. A young couple constantly miscommunicates. I’m mumbling, “Why didn’t he say something to her?” I turned to him, “They never talk.”


He said to me, “There are some people that are just like that.”


I then said to him, “I guess that’s why we’ve been married for forty-one years, because we talk.”


Today he vacuumed the rug and I made a point of saying it looked nice, because that’s important to him. He doesn’t whine or ask for compliments. I just notice that if he points out, “At least I got the carpet cleaned today,” in reference to not getting something else done, that if I say, “Yeah, it looks great,” his body language changes. Maybe his shoulders get pulled back and he stands a little taller.


If I don’t feel like telling him thanks because I’m tired or self-absorbed, sometimes I make myself be considerate because I’d be polite to a stranger. Why not be kind to the man I love?


I hope you’re having a great day. May God bless you.





Generalist or Specialist

I’ve learned from writing courses and instructional books that a wordsmith needs to choose an area to specialize in. The more the person researches and then strings words together, the more apt they are to become experts.

As they publish and speak on their knowledge, others recognize their expertise.

When my husband went to college, he chafed under the requirements of fulfilling the “core” subjects so he could get his degree.

He is not interested in music or art, so he looked for the most basic music class he could find. The college offered a simplified version for students looking to fill their “arts” criteria.

He picked something to do with recognizing musical styles from early history. He got a C because he wrote a good paper. When he listened to the selections, the only composition type he recognized was the Gregorian chant. Recently I asked him, “What were some of the other categories?”

Granted, it’s been a lot of years but he doesn’t know and he doesn’t care. He’s a focused guy and the arts, the social sciences, and whatever intellectual pursuits that fell outside of his major and his minor felt like a waste of time to him.

I enjoyed liberal arts and wished I’d taken the opportunity to take more English classes and a Philosophy class.

That’s kind of how I am with my writing as well. I have a broad number of interests.

When I try to think of a genre I finally came up with a broad based one. Now I’m going to pray about it.

I’m also going to ask the Lord for more direct help in avoiding the enemy’s schemes to thwart progress I believe God wants me to make.

Lately, I’ve been reading the Psalms from chapter 34-39. David talks to God about needing His protection and His guidance. “David,” God said, “is a man after My own heart.”

If David, King of Israel, could humble himself and cry out to God and this pleased God, why wouldn’t I follow such a great example? David sinned over his lifetime, always repented and reaped consequences. No one is perfect except God, and God forgives when asked to, only if the person is sincere and not trying to manipulate Him. Also, Jesus said we were to repent–turn from our wicked ways and seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

I’m all for doing things God’s way, with His help. He knows everything and no person knows everything. I’d rather get advice from God’s Spirit and His word. How about you?

Of course, I asked my husband about the genré thing, because he has wisdom. Sometimes God speaks through people, also.

I hope this finds you well! God bless.

Made to Move

I believe people are made to move around and to work. Since I go to a nursing home on Fridays and when I went to visit an elderly lady in her home a couple of weeks ago, this thought came to mind: exercise helps us age more gracefully.



The lady living alone teeters as she walks with her cane. She used to own a dog, but when he died she didn’t get another pet. She can’t hear well and I never see her outdoors anymore. She used to go to the grocery store, but she insists on the driver accompanying her into the store. Then she visits with whoever will listen to her, she examines the products carefully. The lady with her is chained to her in a manner of speaking and so she finally told her to give her a list with the money and she’d pick up the groceries and bring them back. It is a volunteer, so she can’t force the chauffeur to allow her into the car.


This person doesn’t get exercise, doesn’t see others much, and is aging more rapidly than most people her age, it seems to me.


One of the gals in our Bible study group is in her nineties and sometimes her legs hurt. Today she told me that when she’s in pain, she maneuvers her wheelchair out the door to the main hallway and makes her way around a huge circle of rooms and the nursing station. Last night she did that near her bedtime, which is unusual. She said the pain in her legs left once she began moving. “I just needed some exercise! The pain left and I slept well.”


When I find myself sitting more than normal, at the end of the day I feel fidgety.


Another person I know suffers from “restless leg syndrome.”


She can’t move around a lot because her weight has crept up along with her age. Lately she’s been acting like she’s ready to lose weight. When I asked her if she wanted toast one morning since she didn’t get breakfast, she turned me down. I think she’s trying to avoid too many carbohydrates.


I hope she will lose the extra pounds and find greater mobility. I’d love to see her age gracefully!


I am convinced I need to work heartily as unto the Lord and that means if I’m typing all day, I also need to shake my arms and fingers, and get up and walk around every hour. I went to our church to help with the gardening in early spring. When I yanked some weeds out of the ground on a dry day, a muscle by my upper arm pulled. I never expected that, and that’s when I realized I’m not building up strength. Now, I’m doing stretches, walking, and more resistance type exercises.


Our bodies weren’t meant to sit in a chair or on a couch every hour of the day. Note to me, get up and move around on a regular basis!


May God bless you. Hope you are able to choose healthy foods and exercise. I’d like to hear how you improve your health when you need to.

Baby Steps

I keep coming across opportunities to learn more about writing or marketing or launching a new business. The only problem is every one of these costs a significant amount of money. So, I’ve determined to live within our means and get educated from books in the library or from volumes at a low enough cost at a bookstore online or in a store.

I read about Abraham Lincoln learning as much as he could as a direct result of his step-mother’s encouragement. She used to read to him from books at home until he learned how himself. He made a point of getting his hands on whatever tomes interested him, including borrowing law books when he got older.

Also, there are mentors available. I take it as a blessing when an expert comes my way. We have a new mom from another church coming to our ladies’ Bible study because most of the people in her church are young themselves. She wants to learn from those who’ve lived a long time and have loads of wisdom stored up. We are delighted to have her because she asks great questions and she’s fun.

When she gets overwhelmed, we tell her to take one step at a time. She’ll learn what’s important and what’s not with her responsibilities and her little one. She talks to us about electronic tablets and even offered to order books online for the ladies because I asked them to get their own this time. Some don’t have any idea about computers.

I think God is pleased when the generations mix. He’s the one who made families as the first social unit. Adam and Eve lived in perfect harmony when you read about them in the beginning chapters of Genesis. It’s only after they decided to trust the snake over God that dysfunction entered their home due to sin entering their lives. Then God shows us what a contrast they experienced from living in perfect harmony in an ideal setting to living outside of the Garden of Eden and finding their son, Cain killed his brother Abel.

Mankind will never be as God, knowing everything and being able to handle all situations that come our way, even though Satan still uses the lie he gave Eve.

That’s why God made a way for us to function and not melt down into hysteria. It’s called prayer and believing in God for help and an eternal home. Easy-peasy, as younger folk than I, say. At least it’s supposed to be. Jesus said in Matthew 11:27, (KJV):  “All things have been handed over to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.

Mat 11:28  Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Mat 11:29  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and ‘you will find rest for your souls.’

Mat 11:30  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

I know I make it harder than it needs to be at times, trying to work things out without even asking God if I’m heading in the right direction.

I need to take baby steps holding onto God’s little pinky and then look up to see if He’s smiling or gently guiding me with a purposeful countenance to the left or right.

May God be glorified on this planet He created.

May God bless you.

Learning Curve

I got online to check my e-mail account and found some business information from blogs. I have a friend who used to work in a bridal shop as a seamstress for alterations. She’s handy with a skillet in the kitchen and had an impressive garden in the backyard. She has what I’ve heard called “good people skills.”


She used to help her husband with building projects around the house and she quilts beautifully. One day after I complimented her on all the skills she possesses and puts to use she said, “Oh yeah, I’m a ‘Jack of all trades and a master at none.’”


I disagreed but it didn’t really matter that much if she agreed with me or not. She’s a doer and a good friend. After reading about marketing and SEO’s and business plans and professional photographic head shots for LinkedIn, etc., I felt like a “Jack of all trades and a master at none.”


It’s not true for me either, but there is so much information in the world. I remember hearing about the expert on peanuts, George Washington Carver.


“Faith has played a key role in the history of black Americans. It’s what inspired the famous inventor George Washington Carver.

He once asked God to show him the secrets of the universe. However according to Carver, God started him out with something smaller – the peanut.

Carver took those secrets and produced hundreds of inventions that are still in use today.”

This article excerpt was written by Charlene Aaron and published by CBN on the following website on February 15, 2011:



I enjoyed researching George Washington Carver’s life story. He was an amazing person, dedicated to serving others.George Washington Carver   This photo is from: https://i2.wp.com/www.truenorthquest.com/wp- .

I’ll bet he faced lots of learning curves and from some of his quotes, he relished pursuing knowledge and doing things with a spirit of excellence.


God bless you!


Healthy Weight

Over the past month or more I’ve realized how little control I have over just about anything.


From historical proofs and my own experiences, I’ve decided the Bible is trustworthy and that God is in control.KJVhttps://www.christianbook.com/page/bibles/translations/kjv?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bibles&utm_term=king%20james%20compact%20bible&event=PPCSRC&p=1020037


A doctor told a family member they need to lose weight. I’ve gained about 18 pounds over the past year or more which put me right back to where  I’ve been for years–a little too high for comfort.


So, I’ve been praying to God for help in choosing healthier foods. Being married, it helps if he’s on the same path as well, but it doesn’t matter. What goes in my mouth is ultimately up to me.


I know how to gain weight. When I eat sweets or a sugary caffeinated beverage early in my day, I crave carbohydrates all the rest of the time until I go to bed. I wake up with the impetus to start over even if I notice I don’t feel so good.


Another way I gain weight is to savor the food I’m eating to such an extent that I continue indulging even though my body is screaming at me, “I’m full! There’s no more room inside! Stop!!”


Then I’m sorry and if it’s late I’m not able to lie down which messes with sleeping.


In high school, a neighbor guy played football and the workouts melted pounds off of him. I struggled with excess weight in high school. I never got overly obese, but I definitely weighed more than many of my female classmates. If it hadn’t been embarrassing I would have given him some tips so he wouldn’t have been too light. 🙂


My dad burnt lots of calories, so mom made dessert for the family every day. My sister liked to bake, so she made cookies at least once a week in addition. We used to have vegetables with our main meal and fruit with lunch, but the sweets weren’t limited.


As an adult, I limited the confectionary foods in our home. My dad felt the kids were deprived because I didn’t buy candy and bake much.


To lose weight, I learned that vegetables without fats of any kind can be eaten guilt-free. My mom joined Weight Watchers and made a cabbage soup I really liked. She could eat it all day if she wanted to and the pounds came off.


In the New Testament, in 1Cor_3:16 , (KJV) it says, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”


Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.


The Bible never says beautiful Queen Esther in the book of Esther in the Old Testament weighed 200 pounds or 130 pounds. Abraham’s wife, noted for her good looks is not described.


In Philippians_4:5 , (KJV): Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.


It’s my opinion  that God wants uf healthy, not overly thin and not at the highest point on the scales.


He’s more interested in our character and modest clothing.


In Proverbs 31, a wife of value cares about and for others. She is trustworthy and even runs a business. It may sound like she doesn’t get enough sleep because her candle burns at night, but she could get eight hours of rest if she got in bed at 10:30 p.m. and arose at 6:30 a.m.


I’ve read if a person stays up past midnight their metabolism slows down and they retain weight that used to stay off.


If people skip meals, the metabolism slows down and stores fat because the system thinks they’re starving.


Not drinking enough water hurts the body and can cause that person to get confused. Elderly folks need to beware of dehydration.


According to Psalm_139:14 , (KJV): I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


I’m asking God to help me take a little better care of myself. For dinner I chose soup and salad, even in this heat. I let the soup cool down. I felt as if God said no to the food bars with almonds and dark chocolate and honey, and yes to the cherries that weren’t sweet.


So I tucked those tempting morsels out of sight and decided to blog.


Yay to avoiding tasty foods that drain energy, cause cravings and up my weight.


When I eat healthy stuff eventually the sugary treats overwhelm my taste buds and I don’t like the rich flavor. The first word that comes to mind is “Yuck!”


I’m looking forward to God helping me with this. He’s continuing to encourage me in other areas. Thank You, Lord!


May God bless you. Is He helping you with something you’d like to overcome for good?




Unusual Circumstances


I’ve had some strange events over the last four days. I told some women at a meeting that I felt like the little foxes were stealing the grapes, from Song of Solomon 2:15. One annoying thing kept happening after another, nothing huge but adding up.

I needed to pick up a package and I called the store to see when the delivery company usually arrived because I had a full day scheduled. The computerized phone system directed me to press number three on the phone for customer service but they never answered. After three tries I gave up.

The next day at the store the young man at information at the entryway told me they’ve spoken to the people in charge many times. Doesn’t make sense to me to aggravate your customers.

Anyway, after some misunderstandings and perseverance, I got my package.

I needed to get a part replaced on my car so the horn would stop beeping randomly. The repair place wasn’t far from the other store.

I got home just before the auto shop closed. My car’s horn set off three times after it was “fixed.”


I called and the substitute service manager told me to bring the car in on Monday. The horn never sounded after the three times on Friday but when I prayed whether I should go, it seemed very apparent to me that I should.

Some nice things came out of me going to the dealership again.

One: The regular service manager who always deals with the make of my car told me that part which I bought on Friday works well. We walked out to the car, he lifted the hood, checked the part and declared it fixed. I hung around for a couple of hours in the customer lounge and the car stayed blissfully quiet.

Two: A lady and I struck up a conversation and before I left she asked for the church’s name I attend.

Three: I drove across the street to a Barnes & Noble to buy a snack and ended up buying How to Blog a Book: Revised and Expanded Edition, by Nina Amir. It’s published by Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, OH and copyrighted in 2015.

Four: I spoke to the cashier about my blog. Between raindrops I hurried out to the car and then sat there eating. I thought I’d give the cashier a writing business card and wrote my blog address on it.

Five: I purchased an inexpensive CD set on learning Spanish while driving in the car, by Howard Beckerman and published by Fall River Press, New York, NY at the same time as I handed her my card.

Then I drove down the street and decided to swing into Staples parking lot. I need a highlighter for the Bible, but they don’t sell the dry highlighters in their store.

Six: Choosing to go to the office supply store opened up an opportunity for me to talk to a young lady after a nudge from the Holy Spirit. She was parked near my car smoking a cigarette. Now I’m praying for her. Friday, in the same town, all seemed to go haywire. God allowed things to fall apart so I’d drive out of my smaller town to a busier place today.

I may never see those women I spoke to today in the Southern Tier, but I hope some other folks will get a chance to talk to them about Jesus. Maybe we’ll meet in heaven.

Seven: I stopped at a big box store and got larger quantities of fresh vegetables for the same price I’d pay near home and I’ve already been able to share the bounty. God is so good!

May God bless you!

Results of Organizing

I decided to put some papers in a box when I cleaned a room to get them out of sight and out of mind. While watching television tonight with my husband, I asked him if he’d carry the box into the living room so I could sort through the stuff. Turns out it wasn’t that heavy. 🙂

Anyway, I’ve been going over in my mind the times when I worked my last job. My boss and I had similar flash points with anger. If things weren’t going smoothly, I’d pray and hold back and eventually something would come up that demanded a response and then I’d state my position. I’ve been thinking and saying, “I wish I’d kept quiet. I wish I’d been a better witness for Christ.”

As I went through this box tonight, I found a piece of paper where I wrote out a conversation with my boss where she let me know that she expected better of me. I told her my reasoning and the lack of training on one of the machines. She said I should have sought out the training. Good point. The more I read, the more I understood that we communicated better than the memory of the exchange led me to believe. I felt weeks earlier that the Lord released me from the job. Maybe the heat turned up some so I would want to leave.

I remember a pastor telling the congregation that people don’t change until it gets too uncomfortable to stay the same. I knew God wanted me to write, but to head out without the assurance of a steady paycheck stopped me. What if I couldn’t get assignments from magazines or customers looking for a wordsmith?

I thank God for helping me to stick with organizing. Not only does it feel great to get rid of the excess taking up room and lingering in my subconscious, but I find things that help me along life’s pathway. I can let those thoughts about my job go.

Also, somethings I thought I would use one day have lost their appeal and they really are worthless.

May God bless you!