Leaving My Job

I’ve worked at a public library for over three and a half years. I gave my notice, without pressure from anyone, after thinking God said, in His still small voice, “What are you doing here?”
I pondered the question, and looked at my life, and thought, What am I doing here?
I gave my two weeks notice and will move into a new venture after two more work days. One thing I will do, I will press on to the upward call of Christ Jesus and see how that looks as I set goals and seek direction. I’m excited about writing time and unsure of short term writing goals. I will continue to work on a young adult novel and pursue excellence in the craft of writing. To God be the glory.

The Word of God: Jesus

Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. What comfort I take in that. He says He’ll never leave me nor forsake me, no matter what happens, no matter where I go. In the book of Matthew, I try and read chapters 4-7 when I can. They are filled with Jesus’ words. Some are encouraging, some are provoking. All are alive, as stated in Hebrews 4:12. The Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, and piercing, even to the dividing asunder of joint and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Powerful! As He is: powerfully able to defeat enemies of our soul, powerfully loving and powerfully merciful and full of grace. Oh, what an amazing Savior.