Facing Reality

            One of the problems of writing blogs in my head—I feel like they’re typed and posted! Not so!

            And when I first started going to Celebrate Recovery to lead groups, going through the training and the 12 steps, the word denial came up. (John 8:36, HCSB) says: “Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.”

            A way to freedom from hurts, habits and hang ups is to become aware, according to Celebrate Recovery’s advice. To come out of denial means to be open to wisdom that God gives those who ask, as stated in James 1:5.

            I’ve been researching for a book I’m writing. So, I looked into Lose It For Life: The Total Solution—Spiritual, Emotional, Physical—For Permanent Weight Loss by Stephen Arterburn, M. Ed. and Dr. Linda Mintle.  The tome is published by Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN and copyrighted in 2004, 2011.

Front Cover - Lose It for Life: The Total Solution--Spiritual, Emotional, Physical--for Permanent Weight Loss


On page 71, the author(s) tell us, “In order to lose weight for life, we have to face reality or we end up lying to ourselves and to others.”

            On vacation last February, my husband and I ate more, plus chose rich foods. He decided he wanted to follow the McDougall eating plan, which we did about 20 years ago.

            Dr. John McDougall and his wife, Mary McDougall have dedicated decades of their lives studying the health effects of whole plant food eating to help people. We tried it back then, but the pressure to continue to eat dairy and meat and sugar from family and friends got to be hard to handle.

It can be difficult to eat at restaurants sometimes. Vegan selections without butter and oils are challenging to find in our small-town eateries. Sometimes, I get tired of a salad. So, we eat out less now. We both feel much better having made the change. Just lately, with the stresses of continued social upheaval, I find myself reading books for escapism, and eating more fatty foods/sweets for comfort. Both things aren’t great for health. Reading is not moving around much. Rich foods make me tired and bother my digestion. I needed four antacids today. And sweets trigger cravings for more sugar laden foods.

            Someone left birthday cake and pizza at my house. After eating a piece of cake for three days in a row, I threw away half of a cake. The one piece seemed to be begging me to have another and then probably another. No Thank You!

The pizza upset my stomach and the cheese on it made me sneeze. Two days of indulging in the salt-laden pizza was all I wanted. I threw the last piece away because my husband only ate one slice and then he resisted. An almond milk yogurt curbed my cravings.

            The Bible tells us to do all acceptable things with moderation. I agree. I feel more energetic and think clearer when I’ve limited sugar, white flour, meats, and dairy. I get protein from rice, beans, nuts, and vegetables. Are you making changes to improve your health?

I hope you are well. May God bless you!