Who’s Your Support?

I re-wrote an article today and then later, I wrote a memoir from my teen years. I’m thinking of publishing writing for some income. My husband worked all our married lives once we left college. I worked as a young mom for a while and when I saw an older woman working in the same department, I asked her how long she’s been employed there. “Oh, not long,” she said. “I stayed home to raise my children and then I sought a job after they left home.”

“That’s what I want to do,” I surprised myself by saying softly to myself. I looked around at the cubicles, telephones ringing off the hook. My co-workers hated their jobs, for the most part. And I left my young ones in the care of others. My youngest one was allergic to milk at the time and often, when he ate lunch, the sitter gave him macaroni and cheese, possibly thinking cooking the milk and cheese would change its allergic properties. I don’t know. But, I’d have to call off from work and treat his diarrhea. He hates bananas to this day because he’d have to eat a BRAT diet, bananas; rice; applesauce; and toast.

The babysitter also watched children that went to a daycare center part of the time. They caught lice, and my little one with a tiny covering of hair, had a bug crawling across his scalp when we got home. So, I treated him for lice and the rest of the family, as well. I told my husband-“that’s it, I’m quitting my job.”

He was delighted. I gave my two week notice and when I spoke to one of the supervisors, I said, “my husband wants me to quit my job.”

It required a lot of patience and love for some unlovely people, unfortunately. She sighed. “I wish I had a husband that wanted me to quit my job.”

Sometimes I don’t realize the blessings that I enjoy. It’s easy to take people we love for granted. When I pray about what I should do, because I want to help support my husband as we age, I feel as if the Lord gives me a quiet thought, Write.

Is the Lord giving you nudges when you’re pondering what you should do? I love Proverbs, chapter 3. It talks about trusting in the Lord and not leaning on my own understanding, which I need to hear now and again. I’m thinking this is going to be an exciting year.

By the way, as a young boy, after prayer, the Lord healed my son of his milk allergy. You should have seen his face light up the first time he tasted ice cream. His own and every other one we’d purchased at the ice cream cone stand. What joy.

May God bless you!


This is Jesus speaking according to Matthew in the New Testament. I’ve been hindered from blogging, so I thought, I’ll just try to send this Scripture that encouraged me tonight. God bless!!

Mat 11:28  Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Mat 11:29  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 
Mat 11:30  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”