Remembering When

A few weeks ago, I drove north to spend a week at my daughter’s house because her kids had the flu. Whenever I told others I couldn’t fulfill my ordinary responsibilities and told them we’d have to cancel or ask them to fill in for me, when I said, “The kids have the flu,” these words came to mind: “but it’s sure nice talking to you Dad, I know we’ll get together soon, Dad. I’m sure we’ll have a good time, then.”

That’s how I remember the words to the Harry Chapin song, “Cat’s in the Cradle,” from a concert I heard many years ago at college.

That song reminds me of a verse from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament in the New King James Version of the Bible:

Malachi 4:6  And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.

Luke 1:17  He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS TO THE CHILDREN,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

I hope this finds you well. May God bless you.

Loving Children

I have not written as much lately because I spent thirteen days with my children and four grandchildren. Three of the grandkids caught the flu, so I drove north to babysit them for a week. The rest of the time they visited us during February break from school while construction workers replaced ceilings, put in overhead lights, and refashioned an archway between two rooms, etc. at their home.

Image result for baby pictures

I love being with family-playing games, making meals and doing dishes, catching up on laundry. Fortunately for me, they just had fevers and coughs when I reached them on Sunday night. Although, I kept telling them to cover their mouths when they coughed and to turn their heads. “I don’t want to catch the flu!”

Recently, I lost some of my joy because I live in New York State. Our legislators passed a bill that if the mother of an unborn baby has any reason for wanting to abort that child, for whatever medical reason they can come up with, at any time before the little one leaves the womb, they can let the medical person know and the human being is killed. It may be hours from birth, a perfectly viable life and get snuffed out.

Then to add to my distress, living in the land of the free, the land of the brave, dear God, how far have we fallen, the senators in Washington, D.C., including our New York State representatives, voted that if a living baby survives the attempted murder during a botched abortion, no medical care will be extended. The tiny person is not offered a blanket or something to suck on for sustenance. It’s left to die. I never thought I’d hear of INFANTICIDE in this country.  

So, I haven’t felt like blogging, I’m sorry to say. I’ve taken joy from the children around me. I’ve cried out to God to soften the hearts of people that probably would be outraged at the inhumane treatment of animals and yet, disregard the lives of babies that God says He knows as they’re fashioned in the wombs of their mothers in Psalm 139:13-16.

I know times get worse before Jesus comes back and an increase in evil comes forth as people reject God and His ways. It’s just hard to see it and understand. When President Obama was a senator in Illinois, he was the only politician to vote to let a newborn languish on the table if the abortion failed. That wasn’t that long ago. The U.S. senate has two senators per state, and they only needed seven more votes to protect the little ones. They got 53 votes. That means 67 people said, “Let the infant die,” although I heard the weather kept some senators from reaching Washington, D.C. on time. But, did they wait for a larger turn out? No!

I think the senate should have been mandated to go to an abortion clinic and see what happens before they cast their votes. And if they came to New York State, they would see that the providers don’t have to be a doctor to perform an abortion. So much for the safety of the mother.

I took science fiction courses in college back in the day, and some of the stuff that I shuddered over back then and felt would never happen is upon us now. So, I pray for people to wake up and consider what they believe and why they believe it. Is it worth killing babies for the convenience of the mother? Many women suffer after they’ve taken the lives of their child with depression, breast cancer, and infertility. One thing I’ve heard-the younger generation is not believing the embryo is fertilized tissue with no life at conception. So, I try to remain hopeful and I pray that people won’t want to use these so-called “freedoms” of choice. Then it won’t matter what’s in the law books.

If you read through my rant, God bless you. Maybe if enough people stand up and say this isn’t right, the politicians will understand their tenure is on shaky grounds.

May God bless you and protect you from the evil one.

What Helps You?

I’m with some of my children and got to see all of my grandchildren. I love it when my son and his wife get vacation time. Grandparents Asian Grandma Grandson Grandp

For two weeks before this I drove north to babysit for four of my “grands” and scooted home for the weekends. At the end of the two weeks, I was worn out!

Every once in a while, my husband and I will look at each other and say, “I’m not in my twenties anymore.”

An advantage of seeing my son-he takes the time to work on my computer, which keeps freezing up and gets in the way of my blogging. Another reason I love being with younger people is because by the time you reach grandparent age, you’ve seen a lot of disappointment and sorrow with the joys of life balancing things out.

When I get overwhelmed with hard things, I hold onto Phil. 4:8, NKJV: Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.

The Apostle Paul continued in Phil. 4:9: “The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.”

If I get hit with fear or my thoughts are all over the place and I can’t remember what I was doing or what word I need to describe something, I stop a minute and breathe. Then, I repeat 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

The Word of God is true and works. I also consider the physical aspect. Am I feeling tired or thirsty or am I trying to focus on more than one thing at a time? I take care of those things if it’s possible.

Have you used a Scripture and seen God fulfill it? I would love to hear from you! Have you taken a vitamin B tablet to help when you’re in a stressful situation? Or exercised? What helps you?

May God bless you!

Soccer, Anyone?

Little boy playing football | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Last week, my husband and I drove a couple of hours north to see our children and grandchildren. The eight year old got placed in the defensive section of the soccer field after having had a taste of offense and the heady experience of kicking the ball into the goal. I noticed he stopped an aggressive players well placed boot which would have caused another scored point. He effectively sent the black and white sphere in the opposite direction to one of his waiting teammates.

I congratulated him on a game well played. “I didn’t make a goal this time.”

“I know it, but you stopped their team from getting the ball to the goal posts twice.” Then Grandpa added, “You kept your focus.”

Mom said, “You stayed in position, and that’s important.”

She played soccer for many years, even though at a young age she wasn’t sold on the sport. Her dad asked to stay on the team for the season and then if she didn’t like it, she could quit. She is our oldest and I was inclined to let her off the hook. When he explained that her team was counting on her, it made sense to me to have her stick it out. She agreed and after a few more games, she fell in love with the sport.

I remember in ninth grade, I think, she got up at five a.m. to practice soccer with her dad in the summer hoping to make the team. He went to college to be a physical education major, played soccer throughout high school and whenever he could after graduating, and he coached soccer teams for many years as a volunteer. It amazed me that they were so dedicated. I wondered if her coach had any idea how hard she worked, only to be cut during the tryouts. At her young age, she was philosophical about it. “Mom, you should see the girls I competed against. Their talent and speed surpasses mine. I get it.”

I forgave the coach, but I saw him at a meeting once and he came across as a person that made up his mind and there was no changing it. I felt better after she explained the circumstances. Then the next year she tried again, and that coach apologized to me for having to cut her. She went to a smaller college in her freshman year and they put her on the team, so I rejoiced with her.

As I watched her oldest face competitors, he took it all in stride. I don’t know whether he’ll continue playing soccer or if he’ll go for swimming like his dad. He loves to read and he’s a deep thinker, so he may not pursue sports at all. Only God knows what his future holds. All I know is that I’m privileged to be a grandma.

May God bless you.


Medieval Days

Product DetailsPhoto from


The Door in the Wall cover.jpg  photo from

About two weeks ago, I took my grandchildren to our local library. Then three days later, we went to another of the branch libraries.

While there, the six year old insisted on a chapter book like the oldest was getting. I said, “No, you’re not able to read it yet.”

It was close to supper time, Mommy was due to return the next day, they all had busy days so their patience was almost gone; mine, too, so I gave in.

We picked two middle grade chapter books for this kindergartener, which never got opened.

Before one of them came due I decided to read it. It’s a Newberry Medal winner entitled, The Door in the Wall by Marguerite De Angeli.

She wrote and illustrated it beautifully and had it copyrighted in 1949. It was published by Doubleday & Company, Inc. from Garden City, NY all those years ago.

I really like books about medieval times. I read one that I own, written and autographed by Ethel Herr, called Dr. Oma: the Healing Wisdom of Countess Juliana Von Stolberg (Chosen Daughter), copyrighted in 2006.

P & R Publishing from Phillipsburg, NJ published her book.

As much as I like reading about medieval times, I always think I’m happier living now. Women didn’t have much of a chance to live a life of their own choosing. Living in America gives me opportunities that other women may not have as well. I’m aware of that. Something else I understand is that I don’t really know what it’s like to be in situations outside of my ken.

No matter where I live, I’ve purposed in my heart to follow hard after Jesus. That will keep me as content as any human being can be this side of heaven.

May God bless you.


Clearing My Calendar


I cleared my calendar for this week when my grandchildren showed up for a little more than a week last Sunday.

They are getting old enough to sleep away for a week in the summer from their folks at home. My father-in-law used to have our kids over for a week in the summer, so the tradition continues, although I think he took them one at a time. He used to hire them to help around his place and I intended to do the same on a lesser degree, but the time is flying by. Plus, we’re making plans to see some attractions and extended-family, so it may not work out.

Years ago, a pastor younger than my husband and I told me if I ever wanted to get my house spruced up, invite people over. It proved true for me this week. I emptied a closet out in two rooms and re-organized them, threw stuff away and placed some items in a give-away spot.

I kept waiting for the weather to warm up so I could apply house numbers to our mailbox that I bought in Feb.

I cleaned the outside of the mail receptacle, rinsed it and dried it. I carefully affixed the large numbers at around 9:00 at night. I’m expecting a few more family members tonight. I even washed fingerprints off the screen doors’ glass around 10:00 p.m. because it’s been driving me crazy and the children are sleeping.

We tried to read about Moses tonight for their Bible story, but unfortunately, last night they were so stinking cute and I was tired and I got laughing and they got laughing and we cut it short. Then the second born told me we didn’t get to read about Moses, so I promised we’d do it tonight. They like to act the story out and I didn’t let them last night because I was not up to it. So, they tried to act it out tonight. The last born decided he wanted to be God in the story, but halfway through God’s speech to Moses where God says His name is “I AM,” the little one decided he wanted to be the king instead. The oldest told me that’s because Jesus is the “King of kings.”

I was beginning to agree to that and suddenly everything ran amuck. The second born starts laughing because he likes to laugh and he’s remembering last night, but it’s just when the youngest says in the lowest voice he can muster, “I AM.”

It seemed so awe inspiring to me, that I didn’t want laughing at that juncture and then my husband comes into the room and says, “How long of a Bible story are you going to have tonight? Are you planning on going on until 11:00?”

By then, my granddaughter who got tired of the small amount of lines from Pharaoh’s daughter had decided she’d be God instead of her abdicating brother. Her oldest brother, Moses was trying to stay the course but every once in a while one of the younger ones would give him an unexpected hug from behind that was almost a tackle and he’d start laughing. I gave up.

I hope you’re enjoying this month. I write to someone in Bolivia and it occurs to me that when we’re finally getting sunny days in between this rainy spring that they’re heading into winter.

By the way, have you cleared your calendar lately?

May God bless you!


God loves His children!

Grandma, Are You Awake?


Sometimes my grandchildren stay overnight when they’re here to visit. I make pancakes for them in the morning with New Hope Mills buttermilk pancake mix. We like it. Sometimes the oldest will start chattering away. I’ll tell him, “Not right now, I’m not awake.” 🙂

He peers closely at me. I’m mixing water and pancake powder into a bowl. Afterwards, I’m walking around the kitchen. Tentatively, he says, “Grandma.”

I sigh. “What sweetheart?”

“You look awake.”

I wish I could say I smile at him, but alas, there is no smile that early in the day when I stayed up late the night before, even when I know they’re up and about at six or seven a.m. I remain civil but mostly mute for probably half an hour.

I try to read my Bible first thing in the morning, but that suffers also, if it’s too early because my brain is sluggish some days. Although today I began my Life Plan from Michael Hyatt’s and Daniel Harkavy’s book, which I’ve blogged about before. So, I rose around 7:30 surprisingly alert. With appointments shortly after arising, I didn’t get to read the Word until this afternoon.

I read 2 Chronicles 11:22, 23 and couldn’t help but laugh. The king wanted to avoid strife between his sons, so he sent some of them to different cities, gave them an abundance of food and many wives. God said the king showed wisdom in this.

The content men, busy with their lives didn’t look outside their borders to war for the kingdom.

On a serious note, reading in 2 Chronicles about the kings of Israel, when they sought God to know Him better and to worship Him, He blessed them in many ways. When they decided to marry outside of their faith and worshipped the Baal’s and set up an abominable Asherah, He removed his favor from them.

When they put their children through the fire to appease these false gods, He got seriously ticked.

America has murdered over 60 million babies through abortion. Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jewish rabbi I listened to said, “America sacrificed these children to the god of self.”

“Oh, Lord help us.”

Jonathan Cahn feels we’re at a crossroads.

I’m paraphrasing what he said based on the fact that the Old Testament is an example for us to learn from according to 2Peter 2:6, (ISV):  and if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed them by burning them to ashes, making them an example to ungodly people of what is going to happen to them;

2Pe 2:7  and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man who was greatly distressed by the immoral conduct of lawless people—

2Pe 2:8  for as long as that righteous man lived among them, day after day he was being tortured in his righteous soul by what he saw and heard in their lawless actions—

2Pe 2:9  then the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials and to hold unrighteous people for punishment on the day of judgment,

Here’s my paraphrase of Jonathan Cahn’s remarks: If we continue with pagan philosophies, we will continue to experience the wrath of God in a greater measure.

Or, Christians can repent, turn form their wicked ways, pray for our land, obey God and hopefully we’ll see revival. Otherwise, our country will face what Israel faced so many times: hardships, severe weather, famines, and wars. Sometimes they lost their country to foreign powers and their brightest and best became slaves to the conquering nation.

The book of Daniel tells of Babylon’s victory over Israel and of the young men made to serve King Nebuchadnezzar as eunuchs many miles from home and family.

As a grandma, I don’t want to see my country taken over by a foreign land more for the sake of my children and their children than for myself. I take comfort in the fact that God is in control. Daniel faced trials in Babylon, but God watched over him and allowed him to rise in the political ranks so he helped the Babylonians. In return, King Cyrus helped the Israelites to return to their promised land, many years later.

God has a plan for Israel; God has a plan for America. This is what God spoke in Jeremiah 29:10, (ISV):  “For this is what the LORD says: ‘When Babylon’s seventy years are completed, I’ll take note of you and will fulfill my good promises to you by bringing you back to this place.

Jer 29:11  For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for well-being, and not for calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope.

Jer 29:12  When you call out to me and come and pray to me, I’ll hear you.

Jer 29:13  You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.

Jer 29:14  I’ll be found by you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I’ll restore your security and gather you from all the nations and all the places to which I’ve driven you,’ declares the LORD. ‘I’ll bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.’

A lady from our church felt God was asking that we put this Scripture on our sign, so we did for a time: 2Chronicles_7:14, (KJV):  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I believe God is awakening people to His reality. I’ve been lulled to sleep by good food, a good husband and entertainment. I need my grandchildren to say, “Grandma, are you awake?”

May God bless you.

Parenting by Choice

I’ve been spending time with family more than usual lately. I asked my husband what the date was today and realized the end of the month is closing in. I still haven’t sent out the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” stories which are due by June 30. So, I’m going to look at them one more time and then send them out.


I also realized I’d slipped up on my commitment to blog daily except for Sundays lately. So, even though I’m a bit weary, I revved up the computer and here goes.


My son and his wife paid for his children and his sister’s children to go to an indoor jumping, climbing, etc. type of facility. What an excellent opportunity for family fun and exercise and it’s a way to avoid inclement weather. We weren’t sure if it might rain. So, we went with them and it didn’t hurt to have two more sets of hands and eyes on the active youngsters.


I love having grandchildren. We laughed with them and later, I got ice for one of the boys when he hurt his knee. He seems fine tonight.


Psa_127:3,(KJV) Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.


When I was a young lady, I wondered if I should have children or not. The culture seemed to be preaching against having children. It would be bad for the overextended planet. It’s hard to bring children into a messed up world, etc., etc. What about the mother and her right to work or play unrestricted?


I remember speaking to my older brother about it. He leaned more towards having children. They’ve added so much to my life and provision always came along. I’m so glad I ignored societies’ subtle and not so subtle injunction to severely limit child bearing. My life would be much different without offspring.


God bless!


A Merry Heart

Proverbs_17:22, (KJV)  A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.


I’ve had a chance to see my grandchildren lately and I thought I’d tell you some of the funny things they told me or their parents mentioned.


One of my children took a trip South, about a fourteen hour journey by car not counting rest stops. In the very beginning of the trip, the youngest girl, age five told her older brother, age seven that he should ride his bike to the Southern state.


The oldest son told his mom that they should arrive at their destination within an hour. When the other adult in the car said, “You’d better get comfortable in your seat. We’ll be in the car for two days.”

He shook his head in the negative. “No, we’re almost there.”

“How can you say that?”

“Oh, I’m always right.”

His mom said, “Oh, you are, are you? I don’t think so.”

“Mom, I’m always right, you know that.”

His mom cracked up laughing because he’s so innocent and so sure.


My son says a prayer before eating: “Lord, thank you for this food, bless the hands that prepared it and protect us from anything harmful that might be in it. In Jesus’ name I pray.”

The kids couldn’t understand “bless the hands that prepared it.”

So they started saying “hands for the parrot.”

They do it now at almost every meal, and now they say it at bedtime, too.



Well, that’s all I can remember at the moment.


God bless!


Think on These Things

I was going to open a book entitled, “The Bridge,” by Lisa Tawn Bergren, copyright 2000, published by Waterbrook Press, Colorado Springs, CO, but after reading from a number of bestselling authors on the endorsement page that once started the book is impossible to put down, I decided to not even begin it. I’m at work cleaning the house today. 🙂

I’m back, hours later and it’s almost time to get ready for bed. It does feel good to get some things done once the mind is set to go after it.

Speaking of setting my mind, I’ve been thinking a lot about Phil. 4:8 which says, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. I chose the King James Version because it sounds poetic with the whatsoevers in there. 🙂

After listening to the news or praying for a number of people with cancer that I know, it’s easy to get downhearted if I don’t think on some positive things. My daughter sends pictures of my grandchildren doing cute things or enjoying some food or a toy, and that brings a smile to my face.

What blessings we have along with a few bumps in the road. I hope you have some honest, praiseworthy, just, lovely, pure, true, virtuous things to think about that you can give a good report about! It’ll make your day and your listeners or your readers day as well. Have a great day!